QNet Ltd. (also referred to as ‘QNET’, ‘we’, ‘us’ throughout this document), a member of the QI Group is committed to protecting your privacy and developing technology to give you a powerful and safe online experience.
This Code of Ethics, which explains proper conduct of business, forms part of the QNET Policies & Procedures and all other regulations and agreements currently in place, which bind every IR. Any serious breach of the Code, Policies & Procedures, regulations and agreements in place will involve action(s) being taken by QNET in accordance with the QNET Policies & Procedures.
Additionally, QNET encourages all IRs to obtain and observe the Code of Ethics that has been provided by any DSA (Direct Selling Association) in their respective countries if and where applicable.
It is a mandatory requirement that IRs comply with the Code of Ethics at all times.
An IR:
1. will at all times, when contacting anyone either from a telephone list or by other means, respect the privacy and wishes of the person contacted;
2. will never engage in objectionable, abusive, unfair or aggressive conduct when contacting or dealing with any other person in relation to QNET or the opportunities provided;
3. will offer the opportunities of, and association with QNET, on its merits without exaggeration, concealment, curiosity or misrepresentation;
4. will ensure they maintain their personal presentation in dress, language and documentation to the highest possible standard;
5. Will observe the provisions of the law and good manners regarding times and days when making the call and appointments.
An IR presenting the Business Plan at any time, conducting a Training Event or Seminar or QNET IR Meeting will:
1. not falsely represent to any person any details regarding the financial rewards available under the QNET Plan;
2. not make any false or misleading representations about the features of QNET’s products, services and programmes, including as to their standard, quality, value, characteristics, accessories, uses for a particular purpose, merchantability or benefits;
3. not make any false or misleading representations about the price of QNET products or services;
4. not engage in conduct that is liable to mislead anyone as to the nature, manufacturing process, characteristics, suitability for purpose or quality of any QNET products or services;
5. not make any false or misleading representations concerning the need by anyone for goods or services;
6. make it thoroughly clear to any person to whom the IR discusses the opportunity that financial rewards to IRs are based on an IR’s individual performance;
7. use official literature as approved by QNET including forms, scripts and other tools.
An IR must not at any time:
1. Take advantage of another person’s disabilities or weaknesses, such as illness, age, infirmity, lack of education or unfamiliarity with language;
2. Actively solicit or demand orders for QNET products by anything other than an offer to collate any order an IR wishes to make, including by the use of physical force, undue harassment or coercion;
3. Refuse to identify themselves when requested to do so;
4. Registering minors or anyone else without legal capacity;
5. Presenting QNET business as an investment and/or a ‘get-rich-quick’ scheme;
6. Cheating/scamming/swindling others;
7. Providing false information or making false statements about the registration process or compensation plan;
8. Establishing an IR office in violation of any laws, rules and regulations or QNet’s rules;
9. Abusing QNet by pretending to be an authorized person or an employee of QNet or bringing QNet into any form of disrepute.
When presenting or discussing the QNET Business Plan and the Benefits which might be available, an IR must generally rely for reference on QNET literature and observe the following regarding the contents of the Business Plan:
1. If predictions as to profitability are made, they should reflect what an average person carrying on the Business would achieve under normal circumstances;
2. If any estimates of profits are made, the assumptions on which they are based should be clearly stated;
3. Where there is no previous experience on which to base expectations as to profitability, this should be stated when making the representation.
When presenting or discussing the QNET Business Plan, an IR must not make false representations concerning:
1. Any risks likely to be associated with carrying on the Business;
2. The amount of time the average person would have to devote to carrying on the Business;
3. The annual expenditure and the annual gross income which the average person carrying on the Business might expect and the method of calculating those figures.
Authorisation of an IR is limited. They shall refer any matter pertaining to QNET to the designated Company Representative. An IR shall not interfere in any decision-making process without prior written approval from the Company Representative.
QNET does not condone the intentional poaching of other competitors’ distributors or IRs from another line of referralship within the QNET Business.
As trademarks, logos and service marks are registered and owned by QNET and/or its affiliates, all written materials are the copyright of QNET. The use of trademarks, logos or service marks or the publication of copyright materials may only be undertaken with the written authorisation from QNET and not otherwise.
QNET publishes detailed data about its products which is verifiable, accurate and complete. An IR must not make claims about any QNET products or services unless they are sourced from appropriate official QNET literature and accurately reflect the information contained in the appropriate literature.
An IR will:
1. Ensure the IRs in his/her group are aware of this Code and at all times carry out their Business relationships either within the group or with IRs of the public in a lawful manner, with courtesy and integrity, and in accordance with this Code;
2. Ensure they remain well informed regarding laws applicable to the Business and duties of an IR including other essential facts and public policies or regulations which may affect such Business and duties;
3. Keep confidential and not unethically use information that may be of detriment to another IR’s Business.
QNET will ensure that:
1. Its employees will at all times act in a manner which does not conflict with the best legitimate interests of an IR and carry out duties in accordance with professional courtesy and integrity;
2. IRs are kept well informed regarding laws applicable to the Business and duties of IRs and other essential facts and public policies which affect such Business and duties and will comply with all the requirements thereof;
3. Full cooperation of its employees is given to IRs with respect to advising them about matters which affect them;
4. It acts in the IRs’ legitimate interest to the best of its abilities.
QNET and an IR will accept the Code of Ethics entirely and observe its provisions.
QNET and an IR will ensure full compliance of the Code:
1. In QNET’s case by Directors, Executives and all other employees;
2. In the IR’s case by the IR and their Downlines.
QNET will administer its dealings with IRs in a manner that is conducive to compliance of the Code of Ethics.
IR(s) must not:
1. Tout for or on behalf of another MLM Company or Direct Selling Company;
2. Divulge confidential information to unauthorised persons or for unauthorised or unethical purposes;
3. Discuss financial aspects of other IRs’ Businesses;
4. Encourage another IR to change line of referralship;
5. Engage in Cross Lining or Poaching;
6. Encourage or induce any other person to engage in Cross Lining or Poaching;
7. Use QNET’s sponsored Functions, Literatures or CDs to support Cross Lining or Poaching.
An IR, either with or without an Upline’s assistance, must at all times complete all relevant parts of an Application in the presence of the Prospect.
A Sponsor or Upline must explain to the Prospect, and complete in their presence, the details of the Application Forms so that the Prospect comprehends that they are personally introduced by the Upline or Referrer.
The Application Form is subject to QNET’s discretion in accepting it as a valid application and making the appointment of that person as an IR.
If an IR becomes aware of a breach of this Code, and wishes to proceed to lodge a complaint, the complaint should be made in writing in accordance to QNET Policies & Procedures.
* Be honest and fair in my dealings with QNET;
* Perform all my professional activities in a manner that will enhance my reputation and the positive reputation established by QNET;
* Present the Compensation Plan accurately and honestly, clearly portraying the level of effort required to achieve success;
* Present realistic income possibilities only, and solely in relation to the appropriate effort involved;
* Present the benefits and information of the business as stated in the Company’s official literature and from my own personal experiences;
* Accept and carry out to my best effort all duties expected of an IR and Referrer, including training and supporting the Downlines in my organisation;
* Abide by all Policies & Procedures that are applicable to the operation of my business;
* Strive to ensure that my Downlines are satisfied with my service and leadership;
* Answer the questions and queries of prospects and Downlines fairly and honestly;
* Refer only those people that I have developed as my own Downlines and/or business prospects;
* Always encourage prospect(s) developed by their initial referrers to be referred by them as well;
* Be clear that QNET is a network marketing opportunity in which my income is related to my marketing and leadership skills as well as my own personal efforts;
* Treat all prospects, Downlines and associates with respect, goodwill and professional courtesy;
* Not entice Downlines from outside my Line of Referralship to sign under my organisation;
* Not misrepresent the QNET business in any way;
* Not use any advertising that I know may be false or misleading;
* Be fair and just to my Downlines and associates, and not engage in practices that may reflect unfavourably on myself, my organisation, the Company, and/or the industry;
* Conduct myself in such a manner as to reflect only the highest standard of integrity, frankness and responsibility because I recognise that my actions as an IR with QNET have far-reaching effects;
* Use the information contained in all QNET websites for my personal, non-commercial use only;
* Not create any unapproved or illegal websites, which may tarnish the image of QNET and its related companies.
Katika QNET, tunaamini katika maadili makuu manne: Uongozi, Uendelevu, Huduma na Uadilifu. Ingawa kila moja ina jukumu muhimu katika shughuli zetu za biashara duniani kote, thamani ya Uadilifu inashikilia nafasi maalum katika utamaduni wa QNET na inatumika kuimarisha kampuni yetu katika ulimwengu unaozidi kuwa na changamoto wenye mahitaji makubwa. QNET inafafanua Uadilifu kama kuweka na kuzingatia viwango vya juu zaidi vya maadili na daima kufanya jambo sahihi. Katika kubaki waaminifu kwa thamani hii, tunatimiza wajibu wa kutunza, si tu kwa Wawakilishi wetu wa Kujitegemea na wateja katika jumuiya tunazohudumia, bali kwa wenzetu na sisi wenyewe.
QNET inashikilia maadili haya katika shughuli zake yenyewe na imejitolea kufanya kazi na washirika wa kibiashara wanaoheshimika ambao wanaonyesha kujitolea sawa kwa viwango vya maadili vya biashara na mazoea kama QNET inavyofanya.
Ili kusaidia kutimiza ahadi hii, Kanuni hii ya Maadili na Maadili kwa Wasambazaji (ambayo inajulikana hapa kama “Kanuni ya Maadili”) iliundwa na inatumika kwa kampuni yoyote, viwanda vyake, watengenezaji, wachuuzi au mawakala (ambayo inajulikana kama “Wasambazaji” ) zinazozalisha bidhaa na/au kutoa huduma kwa QNET, matawi yake, washirika au washirika wake.
Ingawa QNET inatambua kuwa kuna mazingira tofauti ya kisheria na kitamaduni ambayo Wasambazaji wanafanya kazi kote ulimwenguni, Kanuni hii ya Maadili inaweka matarajio ya chini ambayo QNET na Wasambazaji wetu duniani kote wanatakiwa kufanya kazi.
Zaidi ya hayo, QNET inawahimiza sana Wasambazaji kuvuka mahitaji yaliyoainishwa katika Kanuni hii ya Maadili na kukuza mbinu bora na uboreshaji endelevu.
Bila kujali chochote hapa na kinyume chake, Wasambazaji lazima wafanye kazi kwa kufuata kikamilifu sheria na kanuni zote za lazima za nchi wanamofanyia kazi.
Wazabuni hawapaswi kuajiri wafanyikazi walio na umri wa chini ya miaka (i) umri wa miaka 15, au 14 ambapo sheria ya nchi inaruhusu ubaguzi huo kwa mujibu wa miongozo ya Shirika la Kazi la Kimataifa, au (ii) umri wa kumaliza elimu ya lazima, au (iii) umri wa chini uliowekwa na sheria katika nchi ya utengenezaji. Aidha, Wasambazaji lazima watii mahitaji yote ya kisheria kwa wafanyakazi vijana walioidhinishwa, hasa yale yanayohusu saa za kazi, mishahara na masharti ya kazi.
Wasambazaji hawatatumia kazi ya kulazimishwa, iwe gerezani, wailiyofungwa, wailiyozuiliwa au vinginevyo na hawatashiriki au kuunga mkono usafirishaji haramu wa binadamu. Muda wa ziada wa kulazimishwa pia ni marufuku.
Wasambazaji lazima, kwa kiwango cha chini zaidi, wazingatie viwango vya kisheria vya ndani kuhusu mishahara na marupurupu. Ikiwa viwango vya kigezo vya sekta ni vya juu zaidi, basi QNET itasisitiza kwamba viwango hivi vinatimizwa. Wauzaji bidhaa hawatategemea wafanyikazi wa muda, wa muda mfupi au wa msimu kulipa mishahara ya chini na kutoa marupurupu machache na wafanyikazi wote watapewa mkataba wa kazi ulioandikwa, unaoeleweka na unaofunga kisheria. Wasambazaji watahakikisha kuwa wiki ya kufanya kazi ina kikomo cha saa 48 na kwamba wafanyikazi wana haki ya angalau siku moja ya kupumzika kwa wiki. Muda wa ziada utakuwa wa hiari, mara chache, na haupaswi kuzidi masaa 12 kwa wiki. Wafanyikazi watapewa mapumziko ya kutosha wakati wa kufanya kazi na vipindi vya kutosha vya kupumzika kati ya zamu. Wasambazaji watawatendea wafanyakazi wote kwa utu na heshima na kuwalinda wafanyakazi wake dhidi ya vitendo vyovyote vya unyanyasaji wa kimwili, matusi, kingono au kisaikolojia, unyanyasaji au vitisho mahali pa kazi, viwe vinafanywa na mameneja au wafanyakazi wenza.
QNET imejitolea kufanya biashara kwa njia inayoonyesha heshima kwa mazingira. QNET inachukua hatua kupunguza athari mbaya za kimazingira za shughuli zake, bidhaa na huduma zake na tunatarajia vivyo hivyo kutoka kwa Wasambazaji wetu. Wasambazaji lazima wawe na mbinu tendaji na wafanye usimamizi unaowajibika wa athari zake za mazingira, na kuzingatia kanuni na sheria zote zinazotumika za mazingira. Msambazaji lazima awe na sera iliyoandikwa ya mazingira inayolingana na ukubwa na asili ya shughuli za Mtoa huduma, ambayo, kwa ukamilifu wake inashughulikia utoaji wa CO2, taka, nishati, na usimamizi wa mbao na karatasi. Wasambazaji lazima wawe wameweka taratibu za dharura ili kuzuia na kushughulikia kwa njia ifaayo dharura za kiafya na ajali za viwandani ambazo zinaweza kuathiri jamii inayowazunguka au kuwa na athari mbaya kwa mazingira. Wasambazaji pia wataonyesha uboreshaji endelevu wa utendaji wao wa jumla wa mazingira.
Tunapotengeneza bidhaa zetu, tunajitahidi kutumia viambato vinavyoendana na sera zetu thabiti za mazingira na ni vya asili, vinavyoweza kurejeshwa na visivyodhuru mazingira. Wasambazaji watafanya uangalizi unaostahili wakati wa kubuni, kutengeneza na kupima bidhaa. Hii ni kulinda dhidi ya kasoro za bidhaa ambazo zinaweza kuhatarisha maisha, afya au usalama wa watu ambao wanaweza kuathiriwa na bidhaa au kuwa na athari mbaya kwa mazingira.
Wasambazaji lazima wafanye biashara kwa uaminifu na uadilifu na waonyeshe viwango vya juu zaidi vya maadili ya biashara. Wasambazaji lazima wasijihusishe na hongo, ufisadi, au vitendo vingine visivyo vya kimaadili au haramu, iwe katika kushughulika na maafisa wa serikali (ambayo ni pamoja na wafanyikazi wa serikali au maafisa wa ngazi yoyote, wafanyikazi au maafisa katika taasisi zinazodhibitiwa na serikali, wafanyikazi au maafisa wa mashirika ya umma ya kimataifa, na viongozi wa kisiasa au wagombea au mtu yeyote anayefanya kazi kwa niaba ya mtu kama huyo), vyama vya siasa au watu wengine, ikiwa ni pamoja na watu binafsi katika sekta binafsi. Hii inajumuisha, moja kwa moja au kwa njia isiyo ya moja kwa moja, kulipa, kutoa, kutoa, kuahidi, au kuidhinisha pesa au kitu chochote cha thamani kwa mtu yeyote kutafuta faida isiyofaa. Hii pia inajumuisha shughuli zozote zisizo za kimaadili za biashara au mipango kati ya Mtoa Huduma na QNET yoyote, matawi yake, washirika, washirika au kampuni nyingine yoyote au mtu binafsi.
Wafanyikazi wa QNET wanaweza kubadilishana zawadi, milo, burudani, na hisani nyinginezo za kibiashara na Wasambazaji iwapo tu ni wa kuridhisha, ni wa kawaida, na wa kiasi, na pia kulingana na sheria, na desturi za mahali hapo. Katika baadhi ya matukio, wafanyakazi wa QNET wanaweza kuwekewa vikwazo vya kifedha kuhusu thamani ya hisani kama hizo za kibiashara ambazo zinaweza kutolewa au kupokelewa. Katika hali zote, wafanyakazi wa QNET hawapaswi kamwe kutoa au kukubali hisani kama hizo chini ya hali ambayo wanaweza kuathiri, au kuonekana kuathiri, kufanya maamuzi. Na hawapaswi kamwe kutoa au kupokea pesa taslimu. Wasambazaji lazima waheshimu vikwazo hivi.
Wafanyakazi wa QNET wanapaswa kutenda kwa manufaa ya QNET wanapofanya biashara ya QNET. Hawapaswi kuwa na uhusiano, kifedha, au vinginevyo, na Wasambazaji ambao wanaweza kukinzana, au kuonekana kukinzana, na wajibu wao wa kutenda kwa manufaa ya QNET. Wasambazaji hawapaswi kuwa na uhusiano wa kifedha na mfanyakazi yeyote wa QNET ambaye Wasambazaji wanaweza kuingiliana naye kama sehemu ya ushirikiano wao na QNET. Wasambazaji wanapaswa kutunza kwamba uhusiano wowote wa kibinafsi na mfanyakazi wa QNET hautumiwi kushawishi uamuzi wa biashara wa mfanyakazi wa QNET. Ikiwa Wasambazaji wana familia au uhusiano mwingine na mfanyakazi wa QNET ambao unaweza kuwakilisha mgongano wa kimaslahi, Wasambazaji wanapaswa kufichua ukweli huu kwa QNET au kuhakikisha kwamba mfanyakazi wa QNET anafanya hivyo.
Wasambazaji watarekodi na kuripoti habari kwa usahihi na uaminifu na hawataficha, kushindwa kurekodi, au kufanya maingizo ya uongo. Vitabu, rekodi na akaunti zote lazima ziakisi kwa usahihi miamala, malipo na matukio, na zifuate kanuni za uhasibu zinazokubalika kwa ujumla, udhibiti bora wa ndani na sheria na kanuni zote zinazotumika.
Wasambazaji wanapaswa kulinda mali na taarifa za QNET. Wasambazaji ambao wamepewa ufikiaji wa mali za QNET, ziwe zinashikika au zisizoshikika, wanapaswa kuzitumia tu ndani ya upeo wa ruhusa iliyotolewa na QNET na kwa madhumuni ya ushirikiano na QNET. Wasambazaji ambao wamepewa ufikiaji wa taarifa za siri za QNET hawapaswi kushiriki habari hii na mtu yeyote isipokuwa wameidhinishwa kufanya hivyo na QNET. Ikiwa Wasambazaji wanaamini kuwa wamepewa ufikiaji wa taarifa za siri za QNET kimakosa, Wasambazaji wanapaswa kuarifu mawasiliano yake mara moja kwa QNET na wajiepushe na usambazaji zaidi wa taarifa. Wasambazaji hawapaswi kushiriki na mtu yeyote katika taarifa za QNET zinazohusiana na mtu mwingine yeyote au shirika ikiwa Wasambazaji wako chini ya wajibu wa kimkataba au wa kisheria kutoshiriki habari hiyo.
Wauzaji bidhaa wanaoamini kwamba mfanyakazi wa QNET, au mtu yeyote anayefanya kazi kwa niaba ya QNET, amejihusisha na mwenendo usio halali au usiofaa, wanapaswa kuripoti suala hilo kwa QNET. Wasambazaji wanaweza kuwasilisha suala hili kwa meneja wa wafanyakazi, au kuwasiliana na Mkurugenzi wa Masuala ya Kisheria, kwa [email protected]. Uhusiano wa msambazaji na QNET hautaathiriwa na ripoti ya uaminifu ya uwezekano wa utovu wa nidhamu.
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