Platinum Star Houffoue Yao Hyacinthe is no stranger to success in QNET. In this in-depth interview, we sit down with him to learn more about his journey with QNET. Read on as Platinum Star Houffoue Yao Hyacinthe shares his tips for overcoming rejections, being a thriving member of the Achievers’ Club, and being one of our many QNET success stories.
Life Of Platinum Star Houffoue Yao Hyacinthe Before QNET

Hailing from Ivory Coast, Platinum Star Houffoue Hyacinthe followed what was considered a normal path for a student. One day, a friend who is like a brother to him introduced him to QNET. He saw the QNET Business Opportunity and had a realisation that if he continued his life the way it was going, he would be restricted to a life he didn’t want. And so, he joined QNET.
“When I started, I had to do a lot of presentacións before I could earn my first cheque. My first ever presentación was to my cousin whom I was very close to. So, I thought it would be easy. However, since everything was new to me in the beginning, I found it more difficult. Some people would make fun of me, and I failed at 37 rejections from my prospects.”
Despite people telling him that he could only succeed in life if he had a degree and a stable job, Houffoue believed in QNET and kept at the business. In just over a year, he was able to buy himself his first car. Now, he owns his own house and is constantly travelling. He is also a part of the In Service Brotherhood team at V-Conventions.
How To Overcome Direct Selling Challenges

Platinum Star Houffoue Yao Hyacinthe shared his top tips for direct sellers that really help him be the role model and success that he is today. Here’s his top advice for QNET distributors.
1. Presentación, Presentación, Presentación
“Luckily, I had extremely supportive uplines like Associate V Partner Sylla who guided me when I was feeling down. He encouraged me to keep going, and shared his personal experience how he himself overcame rejections. His advice was to keep doing Presentacións no matter how many rejections you face. And so, that’s what I did.”
2. Surround Yourself With The Right People
“My leaders have always been beside me to push and motivate me. They trust me and believe that I will be successful. My advice is to surround yourself with people who support and encourage you to be your best.”
3. Be A Success Story
“I failed in my first 37 presentacións. However, people who rejected me before saw my team’s success and came back to join us. When I first started with QNET, I made the decision to never give up, and to prove them wrong. The thought of quitting never even crosses my mind. I succeeded because I saw V Council Member Zoumana, Associate V Partner Sylla and all other AVPs and VPs keep growing and advancing. The best way to motivate people to join the business is to be the success story they are looking for. I want to be that living proof just like my uplines.”
How To Become A QNET Achiever

Platinum Star Houffoue Yao Hyacinthe also spoke about what it means to be part of the QNET Achievers’ Club. Here are the lessons he’s learnt and is now sharing with us.
1. Be A Good Listener
“To be an achiever, you need to be a good listener. You need to listen your uplines, and their advice and guidance. Also, listen to your directs and to your team. Understand their challenges and see their potential so that you can guide them.”
2. Raise Your Downlines With You
“I always say to everyone that the founders Dato Sri Vijay and Joseph Bismark have created this company to touch many hearts with love. So, they made a lot sacrifices. We cannot be selfish in direct selling. If you want to succeed in this journey and advance to a higher rank, you need to help raise your downlines along with you. So, my advice is to build an RSP culture within your team and also monitor your rank dashboard so you can see your team performance.”
3. Make Rank Advancement Your Goal
“Becoming a QNET Achiever is important because not only will you be recognised in big events, but also your step commission payouts will also increase. I always say to everyone on my team, if you have achieved a rank, first respect it, and then advance to a higher rank. You cannot go back. Either you advance to a higher rank or maintain your current rank. The Rank Dashboard will help you know who are your potential Gold Star and Sapphire Stars. That will help you guide them in achieving their monthly rank requirements. To be successful in direct selling, you need to help those in your team advance and succeed as well.”