A wholesome diet, good nutrition, regular exercise and avoiding harmful, excessive habits can help ensure good physical health and a rich and productive life.
Yet, while it’s important to focus on the physical body, addressing one’s spiritual, emotional and mental needs is equally vital.
This explains QNET’s emphasis on holistic health via our Amezcua range of offerings, which combines multidimensional aspects of wellness with innovative methods and alternative therapies to benefit one’s entire being.
But how exactly do these products make a difference?
The short answer is that from the Chi Pendant 4 energy pendant to the Bio Light 3 biophoton light therapy, every Amezcua item has been developed through painstaking scientific research and rigorous testing to strike at the root of everyday health issues.
Poorly Addressed Health Concerns
According to World Health Organization data, the past six decades have seen massive improvements in medical care, which has allowed global life expectancy to increase dramatically.
Unfortunately, while people currently live longer, we aren’t exactly healthier. In fact, statistics show that inferior diets, sedentary lifestyles and excessive tobacco and alcohol use have sparked various health concerns, from posture issues to diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
There is also the very real problem of external environmental stressors like electromagnetic pollution, which has worsened due to the ubiquitous use of TVs, computers, tablets, mobile phones and other electronic devices.
Granted, recent advancements in science and technology mean there are medicines and treatments for many of today’s illnesses. But what is also true is that drugs typically deal with symptoms of diseases only instead of addressing issues comprehensively and can sometimes exacerbate health conditions.
That’s where QNET’s Amezcua range of wellness products comes in.
Amezcua Science: Holistic Solutions Backed By Research
Everything, including the human body, is made up of and relies on energy for growth, reproduction, movement and protection against threats.
This energy can, however, become off-balance due to several reasons. Hence, Amezcua products seek to harmonise the body’s energy and jumpstart its natural healing process.
Here’s a look at three of the range’s offerings and the science behind them:
Amezcua Chi Pendant 4
A highly advanced energy pendant, the Chi Pendant 4 focuses on boosting the body’s inherent intelligence in dealing with the stresses of modern life. This is achieved by the item drawing on natural geometry and principles of quantum physics.
The chic pendant, which brandishes the sacred “Flower of Life” symbol, also leans on QNET’s proprietary Amezcua Radiance Technology (ART) to neutralise dissonant fields and transmute beneficial energies to a wearer’s body. And importantly, this has been proven by a 2021 live blood study of adult volunteers.

Notable benefits: Restores one’s natural energy and stabilises “chi” — the body’s life force, — which in turn improves sleep quality, boosts immunity, and increases strength, focus and creativity.
Amezcua Bio Disc 3
Like the Chi Pendant 4, the latest reiteration of the revolutionary Bio Disc is also committed to the harmonisation of human energy. However, its groundbreaking marrying of the principles of natural geometry, biology and quantum physics primarily concentrates on restoring water to a life-giving state.
Water, life’s elixir, helps regulate body temperature, flush waste from the system, lubricate joints, and transport nutrients to tissues, muscles and organs. But, due to contaminants and other reasons, not all water has the same quality. The Bio Disc 3 seeks to restore water to its original molecular form via the use of granulated crystals and minerals and make it safe and nourishing for consumption.
Notable benefits: Energises and restructures water, which increases the bioavailability of essential nutrients to humans, plants, and animals. As an added bonus, scientific studies have also found it to be beneficial in prolonging the freshness of fruits and vegetables.
Amezcua Bio Light 3
The DNA of all living cells stores and emits biophotons or electromagnetic waves of light, which change depending on a cell’s health. The Bio Light 3, developed following years of research in the interrelated fields of biophoton technology, quantum field technology and proportionate geometry, works to heal the body at a cellular level via light therapy.
Used in tandem with the Bio Disc 3, the Bio Light 3 essentially utilises polychromatic, UV-free light to stimulate particular parts of the body and address specific concerns.
Notable benefits: Safe, simple, and non-invasive, the Bio Light 3 has been found to successfully relieve pain, promote healing, reduce stress, and even support mental and emotional well-being.
Researched, Tested and Approved
Incidentally, Amezua’s offerings aren’t just backed by science but also by an esteemed Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) that works hand-in-hand with QNET’s product development teams and leadership, as well as the scientific and medical communities.
The critical analysis of experts is necessary to ensure products remain both cutting-edge and that they adequately meet the wellness needs of today’s customers.
Hence, the SAB — which presently consists of award-winning biochemist and microbiologist Professor Abiodun Adebayo, internationally renowned biophysicist Dr Beverly Rubik and Professor Konstantin Korotkov, one of the world’s leading biophysics researcher — is tasked with providing feedback on current and future science, offering scientific recommendations, and facilitating new collaborations with leading institutions. It also guides exploratory and applied research in fields directly related to developing Amezcua products.
Importantly, too, Amezcua items are independently tested and studied for safety and effectiveness by some of the world’s leading institutions, among them Slovenia’s BION Institute and the IHM Institute of Japan, with papers on research findings published in a host of distinguished academic journals. Below are a couple of examples, which you can find in Amezcua’s Science Archives:
The Effects of Subtle External Stimuli on Chiral Symmetry Breaking During Crystallization of Sodium Chlorate from Aqueous Solutions
Dr Beverly Rubik’s 2021 findings highlighted that Amezcua Bio Disc 3 exhibited the highest level of chiral symmetry breaking among the tested stimuli. This suggests that the product has a notable influence on the crystallisation process of sodium chlorate from aqueous solutions.
Influence of Drinking Structured Water on Human Psychophysiology
The 2019 research by Dr Konstantin Korotkov et. al. concluded that consuming structured water, specifically 1 litre per day for a month, has several positive effects on human psychophysiology. These effects include:
- Reduction of body fat mass
- Improvement of water-salt metabolism
- Enhancement of kidney excretory function
- Decrease in endogenous intoxication of the body
- Increase in adaptive and stress-response capacity
- Enhanced reserve capacity of the body, even during adverse seasonal, climatic, and epidemiological conditions
These findings suggest that structured water consumption, such as that provided by Amezcua products, can have beneficial impacts on various aspects of human health and well-being.
Total Wellness
With its emphasis on boosting the natural properties of water as well as the human body’s energy systems, Amezcua products have proven to be vital to those who seek total wellness.
And what’s most necessary to note is that the range’s innovative offerings are grounded in solid science that has and continues to be validated by leading experts, rigorous research and independent testing.